Editorial Mondigromax

Andrómeda encadenada

Andrómeda encadenada

Andromeda in Chain
Agustí Charles


Andrómeda encadenada 

Chamber opera

Monologue for soprano, violin, harp and live electronics

Composition Agustí Charles

Based on the texts from Fátima Frutos

Libretto Marc Rosich

Year of composition 2021

Duration 70 min.

Language Spanish



World premiere on October 28, 2021 at Palau de la Música Catalana-Petit Palau, Barcelona, on the occasion of the celebration of the AI ÒPERA IA days. Conference on new technological challenges and artificial intelligence in the field of contemporary opera production | October 27 & 28, 2021 organised by Òpera de Butxaca i Nova Creació (ÒBNC).

Andrómeda encadenada
October 21 & 22, 2022, at Staatstheater Darmstadt, Germany
within the programming of Spain as Guest Country of Honor of the Frankfurt Book Fair, the main book fair in Europe.

Andrómeda encadenada is based on the poem of the same name by the Basque writer Fátima Frutos, in which the author takes the old myth of the woman chained to the rocks and saved by Perseus and gives it a personal, contemporary, and, above all, feminist reading.

The libretto, by Marc Rosich, turns the poet’s verses into dramatic material, transforming them into a sung monologue that also includes other texts taken from various poems by the author, as well as quotations from classical poets, such as Lope or Calderón, dedicated to the mythological character.

The resulting piece presents us with a woman in crisis after a breakup, but who, while taking refuge in the reading of the classics, and especially in the reinterpretation of the myth of Andromeda, ends up finding a way to break the bonds of sentimental dependence and thus reach self-affirmation as an autonomous being.

The staging of Jordi Pérez Solé underlines the shattered world of the protagonist, from which she embarks on her journey, coming to learn to free herself from the chains that do not let her be herself.


Score Andrómeda encadenada. 173 pages.
Editorial Mondigromax


Andrómeda encadenada


October 21 & 22, 2022
Staatstheater Darmstadt, Germany

27 & 28 October, 2021
World premiere
Palau de la Música Catalana-Petit Palau, Barcelona
On the occasion of the celebration of the AI ÒPERA IA days.
Organised by Òpera de Butxaca i Nova Creació (ÒBNC).


Stage direction           Jordi Pérez Solé
Musical direction        Lorenzo Ferrándiz
Stage Design               Sergi Corbera
Lights                             Sylvia Kuchinow
Costumes                    Joana Martí
Mouvement                 Laura Calvet
Construction Stage Design Elements Taller d’Escenografia Castells
Tailoring Fernando     Sória Muriel
Photos                            Joan Gastó
Executive Producer    Clàudia Robert
Doctoral Placement   Daniel Blanco
Communication ÒBNC Ester Cánovas
Direction ÒBNC           Dietrich Grosse & Marc Rosich
Production                   Òpera de Butxaca i Nova Creació


Soprano                   María Hinojosa

Violin                         Marc Charles

Harp                          Esther Pinyol


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