Editorial Mondigromax


Raquel García-Tomás/Joan Magrané

BALLET BC, Vancouver


Chamber opera in two acts

Music:    Joan Magrané & Raquel García-Tomás
Libretto: Helena Tornero
Instruments and voices: soprano, baritone, viola, cello and tape
Year of composition: 2015
Duration: 65 min. aprox. (2 acts of 30 min. with intermission)
Language: Catalan and English with subtitles

Commission: Festival Musiktheatertage Wien and Òpera de Butxaca i Nova Creació commissioned the author to write a libretto based on the theme of gentrification.

Production: Festival Musiktheatertage Wien and Òpera de Butxaca i Nova Creació.

World premiere: September 1, 2015 at the Festival Musik Theatertage Wien


Opera about houses, people and evictions.

What is the essence of a city? The spaces? The people who inhabit them? Do cities have a memory? Do spaces have a memory? What traces are left on a space of those people who inhabited it before? disPLACE is two stories about one single space or one story about two couples.

disPLACE, a chamber opera by young composers Raquel García-Tomás and Joan Magrané Figuera, is an account of a well-off couple going through a crisis. They live in the same place that another couple, some time ago, had celebrated a farewell party before being evicted. A story where the process of modernization –gentrification– becomes a social drama from two different perspectives. The stories are similar but they are separated in time.


Score disPLACE. 149 pages. Editorial Mondigromax

1st Act. pdf 56 pages. Joan Magrané Figuera

2nd Act. pdf 93 pages. Raquel García-Tomás

disPLACE (a nowhere opera)

February 16, 17, 19, 2017
Teatro Real 2016/17 season / Teatros del Canal, Madrid

December 21, 22, 2016
Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona


Musical conductor: Vinicius Kattah

Stage Director: Peter Pawlik

Set design: Alexandra Burgstallter

Light design: Harald Michlits

Idea and coordination: Georg Steker


Her             Elena Copons, soprano

Him            Sébastian Soules, baritone

Actor          Benedek Nagy

Musicians  Ensemble Phace:

                           Sophia Goidinger-Koch, Barbara Riccabona

Press Quotes

For me up to now the best and most exiting production of the festival [Musiktheatertage Vienna]. Bravo.
Harald Lacina, DER MERKER


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