Editorial Mondigromax

Java Suite

Java suite
Java suite

Java Suite
Agustí Charles

Java Suite

Chamber opera in one act

Composition: Agustí Charles

Libretto: Marc Rosich

Voices: dramatic soprano, bass baritone and actor

Instrumentation: 3 female voices (vox instrumentalis),                    2 percussionists, viola de gamba (bass)

Year of composition: 2011

Duration: 75 min.

Language: Catalan

World premiere: August 14, 2012, at Castell de Peralada International Festival, Girona.


Commission: Festival d’Òpera de Butxaca-Mondigromax (2011)

Co-production: Festival d’Òpera de Butxaca together with Festival Castell de Peralada and Basel Opera Theater. With the collaboration of BCN216, the 2011 Creation and Research Grants Fund of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and the 2011 Ministry of Culture Composers Grants.


The story of Java Suite takes place on a terrace overlooking the Mediterranean, where a brother and sister, both well-off and of mature years, have their residence. Heirs to an empire based on the manufacture of teak and rattan furniture in Surabaya on the island of Java, the strange pair kill the tedium of their spare time looking for victims to amuse themselves with, preferably attractive and well-educated youths.

Java Suite 224 pages. Editorial Mondigromax



Java Suite

September 29 & 30, 2012
Contemporary Opera Cycle, La Seca Espai Brossa, Barcelona

October 21 & 22, 2012
Theater Basel, Switzerland


Director and Stage design  Rita Cosentino
Conductor  Nacho de Paz
Video  Celeste Carrasco
Lights  Peter van Praet
Costumes design  Tiziana Magris


Technical Direction/Sound  Carlos Gómez
Director’s Assistance  Arnau Soler
Musical Assistant  Joan Magrané
Set construction  José Menchero
Production Coordination and Communication  Marta Porter
Production Assistant  Ferran Dordal
Production   Dietrich Grosse


Soprano                   María Hinojosa

Baritone                   Xavier Mendoza

Young Man, actor  Max Grosse Majench

Female voices Elisenda Arquimbau, Montserrat Bertral Ribas, Marta García Cadena

Musicians Grup Instrumental BCN 216 – (David Albet, director)

Viola da Gamba     Peter Krivda

Percussionists         Ferran Carceller Amorós, Ivan Herranz

Java Suite- Agustí Charles- Marc Rosich

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