For 29 years, the Amics del Liceu association in Barcelona has been organizing the Catalan Opera Critics to award the best operas and performers of the season. In this edition, 2022-23, the male critics who participated are:

Jorge Binaghi (Mundoclasico)
Antoni Colomer (Ópera Actual and Núvol)
Pep Gorgori (ABC)
Jordi Maddaleno (La Vanguardia and Platea Magazine)
Pablo Meléndez-Haddad (El Periódico)
Javier Pérez Senz (Scherzo)
Oriol Pérez Treviño (El Punt-Avui)
Jaume Radigales (Ara and Catalunya Música)
Pablo L. Rodríguez (El País)
Fernando Sans Rivière (La Razón)

We are happy to announce that the Special Jury Award, by the way formed only by men, has been granted to Alexina B., composed by Raquel García-Tomás, as the best absolute premiere of the season, March 18th, 2023 worldwide premiere at Gran Teatre del Liceu, along with La gata perduda, for the socio-cultural commitment of the Liceu in involving the Raval neighborhood within the theater.

Among the other awardees, Susanna Mälkki stands out, receiving the award for musical direction, and Lise Davidsen as the best female voice in Puccini’s Il trittico, recognized as the best opera of the previous season by the opera critics of Catalonia. Also, Calixto Bieito has been awarded for his stage direction of Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea at the Liceu.

The jury also paid tribute to Roger Alier for his career as an opera critic and as a former vice president of Amics del Liceu.

The Awards organized by Amics del Liceu will be presented during the celebration of the next “Nit dels Amics” (Friends’ Night), to be held at the Gran Teatre del Liceu on a date yet to be confirmed.

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