Dance story

Quasar Cia de Dança

Ballet der Semperoper Dresden

Quasar Cia de Dança


Quasar Cia de Dança, Brazil

Artistic Director Henrique Rodovalho
Director Vera Bicalho

Web Company


Founded in 1988 by Vera Bicalho and Henrique Rodovalho, Quasar Cia de Dança has its origins in Grupo Energía, formed in Goiânia, Goiás, at the beginning of the 1980s.

Installed in Central Brazil and made up of 9 dancers, Quasar has managed to stand out on the national and international scene of contemporary dance thanks to the development of its own language, and a clear commitment to artistic quality and involvement.

The repertoire is made up of choreographies created by its Artistic Director, choreographies that investigate the existential complexity of the body and soul through vigor, humor or simplicity.

Performances & Tour organised by Mondigromax:

Só tinha de ser com Você (It could only be with you)
Choreographer: Henrique Rodovalho
Soundtrack: Elis Regina e Tom Jobim
Costume Design: Cássio Brasil
Stage Design: Letycia Rossi

Première year: 2005
Duration: 60”

An homage to two of the greatest Brazilian artists: Elis Regina and Tom Jobim. From a brilliant soundtrack, the choreographer takes the challenge of adding dance as a poetic element to the consolidated song of the album Elis &Tom recorded in 1974.

The result is an extremely elegant movement, set in a very sophisticated environment, worth of the music which conduces the audience through a full of memories journey. “It could only be with you” is a romantic Brazilian piece.

The piece was nominee to the 1st Bravo! Bravo Culture Award and acclaimed to be one of the best dance shows in 2005 by O Globo and Folha de São Paulo papers.


March 24, 2011, Théatre de l’Archipel, Perpignan, France

April 30 & Mai 1rst, 2010, Teatro Cuyás, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

April 24, 2010,  Teatro Palenque de Talavera de la Reina

April 17, 2010, Teatro Municipal de Tomelloso

April 16, 2010, Teatro Auditorio de Cuenca

April 15, 2010, Teatro Quijano, Ciudad Real

April 12, 2010, Teatro Circo de Albacete

October 30, 2009, Serantes Kultur Aretoa de Santurtzi

October 29, 2009, Teatro Principal Antzokia de Vitoria-Gasteiz

October 24, 2009, Teatro Auditorio de Alcobendas

October 3 to 5, 2008, Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona

October 1srt, 2008, Feria Internacional de Teatro y Danza, Huesca

June 18, 2006, Auditori de Sa Màniga, Mallorca

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