Premiere > Barcelona

Tórtola Valencia

Tórtola Valencia

Choreographic Cabaret

Tórtola Valencia

Tórtola Valencia
Choreographic Cabaret

Director: Xavier Albertí

Creation and interpretation: Anna Casas, Carlos Murias, Mónica Quintana, Xavier Albertí

Première September 20 to 22, 2001
Foyer Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona

Co-production Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona, and Teatro de la Maestranza, Sevilla


The invention of Tórtola Valencia

The legend says about this mysterious woman that she was the daughter of a Catalan from Sardinia and of an Englishwoman of good descent, or also of an Englishman from Gibraltar and a girl from gypsy race. The uncertainties of her origins contributed to the fact that Tórtola Valencia reached the end of her life inventing herself.

For Tórtola life was her best lie, but also a rejection and one escape that would become her most exciting journey. Considered one of the most beautiful women in the West, in 1910 she had already traveled around the world. On 1912 was appointed Honorary Member and Professor of Aesthetics at the Grand Theater of Art in Munich and the following year she was hired by the famous theater director Max Reinhardt to perform in the musical Sumurrum in the mythical London Coliseum.

In her many trips to the East, she was initiated into Buddhism and practiced yoga. She became the muse of poets, musicians and painters, and of kings and heads of state. Like Isadora Duncan, Tórtola loved the beauty of the body and became the prototype of Louis Roederer champagne and of the Myrurgia house.

Carmen Tórtola Valencia passed away in silence on February 13, 1955. The following day she was buried in  Poblenou Barcelona cemetery.

Excerpt from the text of Carlos Murias.

Performances & Tour organised by Mondigromax:

Tórtola Valencia

Coreographic Cabaret

June 14 & 16, 2005
Café del Palacio, Teatro Real, Madrid

September 11 & 12, 2004
Fira de Tàrrega 2004, Lleida

May 11, 2002
Teatre Municipal Sant Domènec, Girona

April 30, 2002
Teatro Calderón, Valladolid

April 27, 2002
Teatre Atlàntida, Vic, Catalonia

April 24, 2002
Teatre Fortuny, Reus, Catalonia

April 20, 2002
Teatre Municipal, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Catalonia

April 12, 2002
Teatre Municipal, Ripollet, Catalonia

December 4 to 7, 2001
Teatro Libero de Palermo, Italy

September 20 to 22, 2001
Foyer Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona

Press quote

ELEGANCE is the magic word in this work. The speech proposed by Xavier Albertí reaches its peak moment in the first part of the work, STOMPING ON GENIUS, always thanks to a group of performers who beat in unison. INCALCULABLE AESTHETIC VALUE, exportable and vendible. Pablo Melendez-Haddad, ABC-Catalonia

Tórtola Valencia<br />
Choreographic Cabaret<br />
Tórtola Valencia<br />
Choreographic Cabaret<br />
Tórtola Valencia<br />
Choreographic Cabaret<br />

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